How To Take Care Of Eyes

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How To Take Care Of Eyes?

Experts recommend seeing an optometrist regularly to keep a label on any changes in your vision and to catch any potential health issues as early as possible. Moreover, there are some basic things you can do in your daily life to keep your eyes in good shape and good condition. Research shows, for example, that eating well, getting plenty of exercise, and wearing sunglasses outdoors can all help keep your eyes healthy. This blog is all about what you can do to protect your vision and avoid eye-related health problems. In the below description, we will discuss how to take care of eyes in a better way.

Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes:

The hands are unprotected by dirt, germs, and bacteria, and all of these can be easily transported to your peepers each time you touch or rub them with your dirty hand. So, avoid putting your hands to your eyes to prevent infection, irritation, and several eye diseases. If this habit is fixed to you you can do nothing about it. So, try and get rid of this habit as soon as possible.

Get Plenty Of Sleep:

Less sleep may cause/contribute to eye fatigue. Symptoms of eye fatigue include eye irritation, struggle to focus, dryness or unnecessary tears, blurred or double vision, light sympathy, or pain in the neck, shoulders, or back. Make sure to have enough sleep so that you can prevent eye fatigue. As experts say adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Exercise Regularly:

 Staying active through regular physical activity is important for your health. It can even help keep you safe from certain illnesses like diabetes. If you can do about 30 minutes of physical exercise at least 4 times every week. It can decrease the possibility of having some serious eye problems such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. So, try your best to move around and stay active. This will help you take care of your eyes as well as your health.

Place Cucumber Slices On Your Eyelids To Reduce Puffiness:

Put cold cucumber cuts softly against eyelids for 10-15 minutes before going to sleep at night to help treat and avoid eyelid and under-eye puffiness. Green tea bags may also help prevent puffiness if applied to the eyes. Steep the tea bag in cold water for a few minutes and place it over the eyes for 15-20 minutes. The tannins in the tea should help reduce inflammation. This is an easy and simple method to take care of the eyes.

Keep Your Surroundings Clean:

Contact with dirt and dust can annoy the eyes; so, make sure to keep your surroundings clean and if not possible put on your glasses to prevent the dust particles around you from getting into your eyes. Change your linens and bath towels regularly and keep your workplace mess-free.

Remove Your Eye Makeup At The End Of The Day:

Always try or remember to remove your eye makeup from your eyes before going to bed. Never go to bed with your eye makeup still on your eyes. If you go to bed with mascara or eyeliner or any kind of eye makeup on. It can get into your eyes while you are sleeping and can cause irritation in your eyes.

Sleeping in your eye makeup can also cause the pores around your eyes to become closed, which can lead to styes or (hordeolum). A severe style can require antibiotics or even need to be removed by a doctor by an instant surgery.

Keep makeup remover pads beside your bed for times when you are too exhausted to go through your nighttime cleansing routine.

Wear Goggles When Appropriate:

Be sure to wear goggles or other protective eyewear when working with chemicals, power tools, or any place with harmful airborne particulates. Wearing goggles will help protect your eyes from any large or small objects that might hit you in the eye and cause damage. While working in the laboratory we play with different chemicals and react them together, while these reactions happen these reactions can produce and release very harmful gases which can harm your eyes if you are not wearing any type of protective eyewear.

Limit Your Time Looking at A Computer, Tablet, And Phone Screens If Possible:

While science hasn’t yet proven that looking at computer screens causes everlasting eye damage, it may cause eye draining and dry eyes. The glower from computer screens causes muscle exhaustion in the eyes, either from being too bright or too dark. If you cannot limit your screen time, there are some methods that you can use to give your eyes a break.

And in my opinion, you should not look at computer screens very closely, try to be far from your computer screen while using it, this will decrease the risk of eye damage. It is suggested that use less screen light to take good care of your eyes.

Remember To Blink:

People blink less when they’re looking at a screen, causing drier eyes. Make a mindful effort to blink every 30 seconds when you’re sitting down and looking at your computer screen to contest dry eyes.

Follow The 20-20-20 Rule When You Are Working On A Computer:

20 minutes, look away from your computer and look at something 20 feet (6.1 m) away from you, blink 20 times to prevent eye dryness, look at that thing for 20 seconds and every 20 minutes get out of your seat and take 20 steps.

You can help yourself remember to take your breaks by setting alarms on your phone.

Eat Foods That Contain Zinc:

Include beef, pork (if halal for you) shellfish (if halal for you), peanuts, and legumes into your diet. These foods contain zinc, which is important for your eye health.

Eat Carrots:

Every time we hear from our parents, grandparents, and other people that carrots are good for our eyes; it sharpens our eyesight/leads to better eyesight.

Eat Foods That Contain Vitamin C:

Include oranges, strawberries, broccoli, bell peppers, and Brussels sprouts into your diet. These foods are rich in vitamin C, which is important for eye health and sharp eyesight.

Don’t Smoke:

Smoking makes you more prone to age-related macular degeneration and other eye conditions such as cataracts. Smoking can also damage the optic nerves. Which can have contrary effects on your vision over time. In addition besides your eye damage smoking also causes several disorders like; lung cancer.

Practice Frequent Hand Washing:

Wash your hands regularly to keep bacteria at the cove and prevent them from getting in contact with your eyes, eyeglasses, and contact lenses. Always wash your hands quickly after gardening or after getting in contact with sand.

Use The Right Kind Of Eye Make-up:

If you wear make-up, choose the brands that work well for you. Steer clear of eye shadows, mascara, and eyeliners that cause a sensitive reaction to your eyes. Also, clean your make-up brushes regularly, specifically those that you use for eye make-up application.

Eat Foods That Contain Vitamin E:

Include seeds, nuts, wheat germ, and vegetable oils into your diet. These foods contain a high amount of vitamin E. So, incorporating some of them into your daily diet will help you to get your daily dose of vitamin E which will benefit your eyes.


Don’t rub your eyes too frequently.

Never look into the sun directly or with a telescope.

Keep a suitable distance between your eyes and the computer screen.

Never put sharp objects in your eyes.

Never put salt or lemon juice in your eyes.


In a nutshell, I have explained everything about how to take care of eyes. I have discussed the methods, and precautions of taking care of eyes in simple words. I hope reading through paid off for you. Here you will get easy and best ways of taking care of your eyes. So, enjoy reading this article and also take care of your eyes in a proper way. I would like to say thank you to those who have visited my site.

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